Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Bad day
The kind of day that you question if your capable of raising children.
Seriously, I am not sure I can do this.
Ps: Mom: I am so sorry for all the things I said and did as a teenager. To think I could have ever made you feel as bad as I do right now makes me feel terrible.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Kid's rooms III

This is Mikale's room. 5 1/2 years ago when we moved he wanted a "Jungle Room". The top part is blue (Sky), the bottom part is green bush like. You can't really see it, but in between is a jungle border that is very cute. Mikale has wanted to re-paint is room for the last year or so. He wants to paint it Camouflage. We will probably try to re-paint it. Mikale does a pretty good job at keeping his room clean, so it wasn't too hard to get ready. Mikale is NOT a collector, sometimes I have to encourage him to keep things.
The Kid's rooms II
The Kid's rooms

Here are 2 different views of Mikkena's Room. This was the most difficult room to get ready.
Can we say :Too many little toys?
Polly Pockets, Little Pet Shop Animals........and so on. Mikkena is a collector and doesn't like to throw anything away. I just packed tons of stuff into boxes, and put them in the closet.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
House Cleaner
Friday, November 9, 2007
To do list
Thursday, November 8, 2007
funny card
I would be fired!!
Anyway here is the update for the last 2 1/2 weeks (stupid or not):
*we have been looking at houses-kinda fun but this takes a long time
*we have been trying to clean and organize the house-Not fun! and this takes a long time.
*Tim was out of town the week that we had Realtors come out- A little weird to have strangers coming through the house without him here.
* My little 3 pound Yorkie died. - she was only a year and a half years old- Tim was out of town.- We all took it very hard.
*My brother ,Scott, and his wife ,Jen, came from Alaska for a visit.- Was nice, but I was very sick the day they came.
* I have been to the Dr. 3 times to figure out my stomach pain. So far nothing is wrong. Which is good, but it doesn't stop the pain. Doctor now wants to shove a camera down my throat. I think I will try something else first!!!! Yikes!!!
* Mikkena had her 6th Birthday! She is bugging me to plan a "friend" party and I can't seem to pull that together.
*A teenage cousin on my Dad's side of the family committed suicide. The funeral was very sad.
*One of Megan's dogs had a litter of puppies.
*Megan and I spent last week-end at a Dog show in Bloomington.
*The house is now listed and the sign should go up in the yard any day now. The idea of getting it "show" ready freaks me out. We have a long list of projects that should get done. Normally a list of projects gets me going. However, right now it seems to be making me want to crawl into bed. (I use sleep as an escape, Hey at least its legal!!).
Well, I guess that's about it. Please don't fire me. I will (with God's grace) pull it together and be a better blog friend!