I should have written to Jon years ago to thank him for helping me meet my husband, but I guess now is as good of time as any.
This photo is from 1987. I looked for a current photo of him but didn't have much luck. I did find video though. I personally think he is even better looking now. Did you see him on American Idol a few weeks ago. Wow!!!
I saw him in concert 20 years ago. Yep 20 years. How it could feel like just yesterday and feel like a different life all at the same time. I don't remember any details of the Bon Jovi the concert, but then again I know I saw lots of concerts that I don't remember. (Ronny James Dio, Twisted Sister, Poison just to name a few). Anyway I am getting side tracked.
I didn't actually meet Jon, nor did he actually introduce Tim and I. Like I said I went to a Bon Jovi concert, I guess I bought a T-shirt. One day during my 2nd year at college I was wearing my t-shirt. I was sitting in my RA's room. (her name is Holly). Holly's boyfriend (Todd) came in and saw my shirt. Todd knew I was single and preceded to tell me I should meet his friend Tim. I told him "No Thanks". (I did not want a boy friend I was happy being single). Well, Holly and Todd didn't take no for an answer. They sneakily set up a blind date. They invited my over to have dinner one night. After they knew I was coming then they told me Tim would be there. I almost didn't go just because they were being so sneaky. We ate Spaghetti and went bowling. Tim and I hit it off right away and the rest is History.
So this is for you Jon. In the form of a Haiku
Dear Mr. Jon Bon Jovi
Thanks for helping me find Tim
Rock on Dude, Rock on.
I sure wish I would have kept that t-shirt. Wouldn't that have been fun.
Thanks for the welcome to the web world. I too have forgotten many concerts! I can remember some only when prompted. Must be some left over brain haze. Ah the stupidity of my youth. As I have aged I have developed a hearing problem. I can hear an octave higher than most people and many types of music make me cringe. This is a good/bad thing.
What a cute story. Those are fun to hear/read. I'm guessing the concert was the Slippery When Wet tour?
Katie --Yes, It was the slippery When Wet tour.
Charlene- I guess I am confused. I though rock concert made you loose your hearing. How could you hear an octave higher than most people- and how do you know this?
I do Cringe at the sound of some music now. I guess I just grew up. My problem is my husband's taste in music did not grow up. He now listen to Christian music but it doesn't really sound like it. --He has also convinced all 3 children to follow is "hard Rock music" lead. My 5 year old loves Toby Mack (sp?) We lovingly refer to the "hard stuff" as NON-MOM FRIENDLY.
thought not Though
Dio! That's what I'm talking about!
Most concerts are a big fog for me too. Rick Springfield, Loverboy, Billy Squier...it's all part of my testimony. :)
You're right, he's much hotter now! I was never a concert person but enjoyed a few "lalapalooza's and Edgefests" Don't remember them but that's probably alright I'm thinkin'.
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