I found this card for Tim a few years ago. I just love it.
When I found it our anniversary was 11 months away, but I just had to buy it.
I have it posted by my desk.
Still funny after all those years.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Remember that song "Walk Like a Man"? I sing that to John when he is staring right at something he is looking for. Except I sing it "Look Like a Man"
Oh my goodness. This is such the joke at our house. If Matthew's looking for something that is right in front of him I say, "Oh, this week I bought the (item) without any teeth so you'll have to look for it." Ya know....the kind that won't bite him in the ...nevermind. I think yaknowwhatImean.
That's a hoot. I'm glad to see others deal with the same crazy stuff.
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