This is one of the great things about living in the country! Sunsets and Sunrises out here are absolutely beautiful!! This photo was taken this fall.
Now who wouldn't want to have this to look at every night.!!
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
That is beautiful. Are you having any luck selling your home? I know that can be such a pressure to be under. I hope it's going somewhat smoothly.
Are you trying to sell your house right off your blog?! Ha ha! Beautiful!
There used to be a house where the church is now and Jeffrey and I lived there for a while. This was before all the houses were built to the west. The sunsets were just like this! The kind that make you stop what you're doing and just stare. I loved that about living there. That and watching the flocks of geese coming in to feed at the field across the street. Country beauty in town.
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Alright girl, you are going on 3 months without a post.....It is time to put down the cleaning supplies and give us something to read! jk
Have you found a house you like yet?
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