Monday, May 7, 2007

Honey don't go!!!

Tim is out of town again. He left Sunday morning. He travels a lot so I am getting used to it. My problem is that I am starting to see a pattern of big events happen when he is gone.
2 weeks ago it was my van breaking down. Last night it was a visit to the emergency room.

Mikale has not been feeling well for the last 4 or 5 days. So last night (this morning) at 1am he woke up in extreme pain. He can put up with a lot of pain, so I got worried when he was so overwhelmed with pain. So off to the ER. Mikkena woke up during the commotion and didn't want to stay home with Megan so she came with too.

They gave him an IV and ran some blood tests. They figured it was gastroenteritis (an irritation of the stomach/intestines. After filling him with fluids and seeing that he could hold down a Popsicle they sent us home. The 3 of us were climbing back into our own bed at 5:30am.

Mikkena talked on and on during the whole visit. I am not a very patient Mom during the hours I am suppose to be sleeping. I am also not very quick with brain function. The hospital staff as a million questions and sometimes I had to think about the answer a little harder then I would have during daylight hours. I wonder what they think. Sometimes I feel like I am being evaluated when I go to the doctor or hospital.

Mikale seems better. I worry about him when he gets so sick. He is so skinny. He doesn't have any fat reserves to depend on when he can't/won't eat. Too bad I can't donate some of my fat reserves (you know like donating blood).


Katie R. said...

I hear ya on the ER visits sans husband. It got so precictable that I'd let my mom know around 5 or 6pm that I don't think we'll make it through the night (for whatever reason) does she want to come over now to sleep at our house or just wait for the 2am call? Why does stuff happen when husbands are out of town? Hope Mikale's feeling better.

Reegz said...

Yeah-so true. Pete is going out of town tomorrow. Hopefully we make it through! I hope Mikale is getting better!