Monday, April 30, 2007

Needing some zzzzzzs

I am not getting enough sleep. For the last week or so I have been sleeping very badly. When I am stressed my brain will not turn off at night, then I just can't sleep. Then my bed is being weird. My sleep number is 85 and after being in bed a few hours it is down to 20. I think I have to look at the cords.

Then, the last 2 nights I have been up with a litter of puppies. (they are not doing well at all, there are only 3 left). Life without sleep is not good. Every little thing is irritating. I can see that lack of sleep would lead to craziness, hearing voices and seeing things! The 2 big kids are understanding and helpful, but Mikkena is just trying to push me over the edge.

Do you hear that sound?....... Its my pillow calling my name.
I can't wait until its bed time!


Reegz said...

Rest up! We need you in prime laughing mode by Friday!

Carla said...

I stayed out too late last night and am a little crankypants today. I try to remind myself not to overreact and to do the bare minimum with this house. Hope you catch some zzzzzz'a aoon.

Carla said...
