Thursday, November 8, 2007

I would be fired!!

If blogging were my job I would be fired!!!! As soon as life throws me a twist my blog writing shuts down. I want to blog, but my words just don't come out right and I am afraid I will say something stupid.

Anyway here is the update for the last 2 1/2 weeks (stupid or not):

*we have been looking at houses-kinda fun but this takes a long time

*we have been trying to clean and organize the house-Not fun! and this takes a long time.

*Tim was out of town the week that we had Realtors come out- A little weird to have strangers coming through the house without him here.

* My little 3 pound Yorkie died. - she was only a year and a half years old- Tim was out of town.- We all took it very hard.

*My brother ,Scott, and his wife ,Jen, came from Alaska for a visit.- Was nice, but I was very sick the day they came.

* I have been to the Dr. 3 times to figure out my stomach pain. So far nothing is wrong. Which is good, but it doesn't stop the pain. Doctor now wants to shove a camera down my throat. I think I will try something else first!!!! Yikes!!!

* Mikkena had her 6th Birthday! She is bugging me to plan a "friend" party and I can't seem to pull that together.

*A teenage cousin on my Dad's side of the family committed suicide. The funeral was very sad.

*One of Megan's dogs had a litter of puppies.

*Megan and I spent last week-end at a Dog show in Bloomington.

*The house is now listed and the sign should go up in the yard any day now. The idea of getting it "show" ready freaks me out. We have a long list of projects that should get done. Normally a list of projects gets me going. However, right now it seems to be making me want to crawl into bed. (I use sleep as an escape, Hey at least its legal!!).

Well, I guess that's about it. Please don't fire me. I will (with God's grace) pull it together and be a better blog friend!


Katie R. said...

Glad you're back. I'm so sorry about all of those stresses you're dealing with right now, not to mention getting a house "show ready" and deciding on a new home for your family. Blog when you can and I'll be praying for you. I wish I could say more but it wouldn't type out the way I mean it. Just know I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Kelli said...

When you think of all the stuff you have to do, just remember what Sheri always says, "unclench and do the next thing!". I love that saying. Also know that we'll be praying for you as you walk through this time.

Could your stomach stuff be related to the stress you're under? Man, just reading the list makes my blood pressure go up.

If you need help organizing stuff, de-cluttering stuff, or getting rid of stuff, just give a shout. If you need to shuffle off a boy child, shout again. :)

Rallying around you!

P.S. And you're SO not fired!

The Video Game Freak said...

I'm with my mom on this one. You are SO not fired! I just hope you feel better later on.

I'm praying for you!

Kim N. said...

Thanks for your prayers! Yes, I am begining to believe it might be stress related.

kristi noser said...

All that stress? No wonder your stomach hurts. Yikes.
I am sorry to hear about your puppydog. She was the cutest thing I ever saw.

Kim N. said...


zcoffeegirl said...

Glad you're back..that is quite a list, girl. Only blog if it brings you pressure. I'll be praying for all the above....