Saturday, March 10, 2007

The lesson for today

Do you remember a few years ago when the kid's choir at Faith Community did the play of Esther? Rob Spear played the evil Haman. Each time he came on stage everyone Booed. Or if the name of Haman was said..everyone booed or hissed. Are you remembering??????

This week in our Home school lesson we learned about the Jewish Holiday "Purim". Purim is a holiday that celebrates the story of Esther. They do this by telling the story through drama & song. They also read the whole story of Esther aloud in the synagogue. Whenever they hear Haman's name they boo loudly, stamp their feet. and make lots of noise to drown his name out. I found that so interesting!!!! I thought during the kid's play that the booing was just for fun or to make it funnier. Little did I know it was a Jewish tradition to do so.

See, I learned something today.

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