Sunday, March 4, 2007

What a Beautiful Day

Yesterday was so beautiful!! The ski seemed so blue! I love the sunshine. I need sunshine! I get a little crabby without the sun. (I have a special light to sit under during these times). My kids spent the day sledding at a friends house and they had tons of fun! I had so much fun just watching them. I had spent the morning at the Y and then joined the sledding group later. When I got there it was a game to figure out who was who under all that snow clothes and ski goggles. The kids got pulled up this enormous hill by a snowmobile then got to fly down on their sled!!! No one got hurt and all had a blast!


erin said...

So tell me about this special light...I'm intrigued. I think I need one.

Kim N. said...

Mine is called a Golite, made by Apollo Health. It helps with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and CRD (Circadian Rhythm Disorder). Just google SAD and CRD to find out more. There are little units to sit by and there are special light bulbs you can put into your own lamps.